
Cleaner in Housework Heroes uniform

Housework Heroes opens in ACT

We are pleased to announce that Canberra now has its very own Housework Hero. Genie and her husband Tom have owned a franchise in QLD for a couple of years that they operate with a Contractor and have loved the business so much that they recently purchased the Forrest ACT franchise.  Genie will be the…

A cleaner using a mop bucket

Doing it for the Donovans – Housework Heroes lend a hand

Sadly tragedy struck a local Western Australian family as they lost their father and husband, leaving behind a grieving family and an unfinished family home. Thankfully the good will of a local organiser along with local trades people has gotten the family home completed. We were pleased to be able to step in and help out…

Housework Heroes Charity Fundraiser – National Breast Cancer Foundation

Housework Heroes Charity Fundraiser – National Breast Cancer Foundation

This month Housework Heroes are raising awareness for breast cancer, as part of breast cancer awareness month. Throughout this month you may notice your local Housework Heroes wearing pink ribbons or special shirts coloured in the iconic pink colour of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. We’ve all sadly seen this illness affect someone close to us,  and…

Welcome to Housework Heroes Thornlie

Welcome to Housework Heroes Thornlie

Housework Heroes – Western Australia are pleased to announce Michelle and Charles as the new owner-operators of Housework Heroes – Thornlie. Michelle and Charles are fully trained & experienced cleaners able to provide all of Housework Heroes cleaning packages. If you’re in the Thornlie, Cannington, Beckenham Langford or surrounding areas and looking for regular home…