Are you in Warwick and in need of a reliable, secure, professional cleaning service? Then look no further, Housework Heroes has a local cleaner in your area to help you out with all of your cleaning needs.

We focus on providing regular home cleans on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly cleaning basis in the areas of Warwick, Greenwood, Duncraig, Sorrento, Padbury, Hillarys, Craigie, Kingsley, Mullaloo, Madeley & the surrounding suburbs. If you’re in these areas and need a personal quotation for your cleaning needs, submit a website enquiry, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

All of our domestic services are professional and secure, as well as offering a service guarantee on our cleaning services.

The cleaning we provide is not just limited to a regular cleaning service, we’re fully trained to offer any one of Housework Heroes’ cleaning packages such as end of lease cleaningdeep spring-cleans and rental inspection cleans.

Housework Heroes Cleaning Services

Regular Clean

Weekly, Fortnightly & Monthly cleaning services

Rent Inspection Clean

Be ready for your upcoming rent inspection

Spring Clean

One-off deep cleans, any time of the year

Vacate/End of Lease Clean

We have your end of lease or moving clean covered

Your Local Cleaner

This could be your cleaning business! Contact us today about joining the team of successful business owners under the Housework Heroes brand, cleaning up and making money each week.

Call by phone on: 1300 722 622 – you can also submit an online enquiry via our web-form for more information or consult our F.A.Q for further details.

To find out more about our cleaning services, simply submit an online enquiry, and we’ll be in touch shortly

Why Housework Heroes


Know what you’re getting for your money on each visit

You are busy

One less thing you have to worry about

Police Cleared

For your security and peace of mind


20+ years trading and all operators professionally trained

Customer Reviews for Housework Heroes – Warwick